Tenant Handbook


Westway Plaza is in the performance period for LEED by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) in the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) for Existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance Green Building Rating System TM.  LEED is the USGBC's leading rating system for designing and constructing the world's greenest, most energy efficient, and highest performing buildings.

Welcome to Westway Plaza, a premier Hines property.

There is a great deal of information contained within this handbook; take the time to familiarize yourself with this handbook and it will become a valuable resource for you and your company.  Please note that the building's Management office is available to help in any way possible. 

Every attempt has been made to provide current and accurate information in this handbook, but it is possible that some items will change over time.  Such updates will be posted on the property website at www.westwayplaza.com. Please feel free to contact the Management Office with any questions you may have.  We are here to serve you.