Tenant Handbook
Westway Plaza has individual Tenant mail boxes which are located on the first floor. The U.S. Postal Carrier delivers and picks up outgoing mail Monday-Friday between 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (The U.S. Post Office reserves the right to change these times without notice). The full service post office delivering to Westway Plaza is:
9320 Emnora Lane
Houston, Texas 77080
USPS Phone: 713-973-1786
A mailbox and key will be issued to each company by the USPS. Please note that you will be responsible for having the mailbox re-keyed if you do not return your original mailbox keys.
Federal Express has provided a drop box in the mail room.
UPS will not provide a drop box, but will service the building by arranging for them to pickup.